What the ham sandwich?!

I've been Procrastinating this post... Birthday/E3/etc.

My birthday was last Wednesday. I turned 22. I had a pretty good time out with some friends, and my parents came to visit me on Saturday. I love my birthday, but 21 is really the last exciting year you get. All in all, it was a good time, though not much more exciting than any other night out, aside from me getting free things and presents.

E3 was also last week and it was really hyped up, but there weren't any great announcements. Over all I was pretty disappointed, but everyone seems to be talking about the new motion controllers. Sony and Microsoft still don't get it. They are both coming out with motion controllers, but they don't seem to understand that the wii is popular because of novelty. I really don't think the motion controllers will be successful on either system. Project Natal from Microsoft definitely stole the show this year, but I'm really skeptical of how well it works. Plus its really not that original... Ps2's eye toy anyone? Its really just an extremely advanced version of that.
Other things at E3 that caught my attention are the psp go, some actual good games for wii, and the very shocking Final Fantasy XIV. I mean FFXIII doesn't even have a release date yet!

I can't believe prototype is coming out in like, a day. I'm not really done with inFamous yet, but I've always been more excited for prototype. Its weird that I was in such a gaming lull for like 2 months and now I have 2 games that I can't seem to find time to play.

Thats all for now. I'm sleepy