
My last blog post from yesterday morning was titled 'What the ham sandwich?!' because this woman in my hotel said it in confusion, and I thought it was funny. I wanted to use it for my title because I was going to describe a strange dream I had. I never described the dream, but I am right now.

I had a strange dream the other day while taking me pre-work nap. It started out I got a phone call from this girl I went to High School with. This girl and I were not friends, but we weren't enemies either. She invites me to a party at her house, which I gladly accept. Upon arrival at this house (mind I have no idea what her house looks like or where it is) I go inside and see another girl from high school who was also in theater. She was a nice girl in high school, but in this dream she was a bitch. I see a co-worker there, and I say 'What are you doing here' to which the second girl says 'everyone knows him, duh!' I explain I only recently met him when I started working at the Holiday Inn, and she continues to antagonize me about how I didn't already know him nor did I know that he knew these people.
I then turn around to find a person whom I only know via facebook, and I'm about 99% sure doesn't know any of the aforementioned people, yet it is his birthday party, hosted at this girls house whom I went to high school with.
Here's where the dream really starts getting weird. I start decorating a cake that was sitting on the floor with that gel-like frosting stuff and the girl who is hosting keeps asking if I'm going to eat all that, to which I keep replying 'yes, of course.' somewhere in the process of decorating the cake, I become the cake and am decorating myself (not as dirty as it sounds) while the host is still asking me if I'm going to eat all that. Then I get up and I am no longer the cake, but the cake is on the floor again. We all sit around and eat the frosting off the cake and then go play pool. the end.
What do I think this dream was about? I secretly want to be an actual birthday cake for someone I don't know (again, not as dirty as it sounds.)

Since I went through the effort of making a whole new blog post to write about what my last blog post was supposed to be (whew), I'm going to vent a little. I seem to be encountering these things a lot lately. They all have one thing in common, They are things I hate.
*Twilight etc. - I seriously have no interest in this, and the more I hear about it the less I care. I just don't get why its popular.
*Mac people (Sorry tweeps) - Seriously, every single minute update is not a gift from god. I mean really... 'more reliable disc eject' is that even a feature?!
*Internet Forums - internet anonymity turns people into assholes. 'nuff said.
*Not being able to remember what I was going to write about - This list was longer a couple hours ago.

On a side note: My ass hurts from sitting on the coffee table. I had to charge my ps3 controller, so i couldn't sit on the couch. several hours later, sitting down is still painful.
Another side note: the word random is overused and often misused, I think I'm going to say 'unexpected' instead.
