So here's the deal...

I'm starting a fresh new blog for a couple of reasons. First, I just don't like my Windows Live blog at all. Its boring, I never post, and its really just inconvenient. Secondly, I just like a fresh start once in a while, its nice to have a clean slate sometimes. This blog is more about expressing myself, where previous blogs were more personal. I really want this to take off, and I'm really hopping to find some readers out there.

Now that that's out of the way, I can move on to some actual writing I suppose, and I'm going to start with an update on my life as of recently. I've been working a whole bunch, since the only other person I work with is on vacation. I won't have a day off until Friday, which adds up to 9 days strait of working. At home, I've been on this random Final Fantasy kick, especially the crystal chronicles series. I've also been playing another SquareEnix game called 'The World Ends With You,' its very different from most games by SE, but its really fun.

Well I guess that's all I have to say for my first entry, so until next time, peace out, Bitches!