I need a new computer....

My laptop is epic fail! It is incredibly slow, the back light is broken on the monitor, the left click button for the touch pad doesn't even work, oh yea, and it's really slow.

I think I want a desktop this time, I want to be able to play games on it, but it doesn't have to be too fancy. I love video games, but I'm not much of a PC gamer. Basically if it can play Spore, I'll be happy for a while.

Computer dissatisfaction aside, I went to the park today. I saw a homeless person living in a tree, two rather chubby individuals making out, and plenty of hot boys! How I love the park LOL!

There will be a new Youtube video posted from the park either tonight or when I get up tomorrow, depending on how busy I am at work. I'm also slowly but surely working on a more exciting layout for this page, but I think I want to keep it generally simple :)

That's all for now, until next time, peace out bitches!