- Awesome video games are pretty much coming out every week right now, and its terrible since I don't have the budget for it, or the time really. I've been trying to play heavy rain but I just haven't had a lot of time to do it. I won't be getting Final Fantasy XIII until the 19th but expect me to vanish for a few weeks after that date.
- My taxes are finally done. I had to pay 12 dollars just to get one of my W2s, but it was worth it because my return is WAY bigger than I thought it would be. Unfortunately its all going to be used to pay off credit cards.
- Been seeing someone. Its definitely an opposites attract sort of situation because we have nothing in common and yet can hold conversations effortlessly. Not sure where its going yet, but so far I could really see myself spending lots of time with him, so we'll see.
- Despite the fact that I hate my 3d design class, my 3d design class loves me, so as long as I keep "thinking outside the box" I should be able to keep turning out crap and talking my way into an A. Drawing class, not so much.
Thats about it, twitter is blowing up with oscars stuff and I don't care. Going to play some heavy rain now.
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