
I did my semi-annual update to my amazon wish list. the other occurs in may close to my birthday.

I don't really expect anyone to get me anything, but I do like surprises, so if someone feels compelled to buy me a present, that's a list of things that I want, or at least things that pop into my head when i sit down to update it twice a year.

I think I have a spending problem. Every year I tell myself I'm going to save some money so I can go all out with the Christmas presents and every year I end up not planning ahead and when it gets down to the wire I'm broke. *sigh* oh well at least I have some money and should be able to do a decent job this year, now the only problem is how to get to Minot!

Whatevsies.. I'm out

Its been awhile...

This is due mostly to the fact that my laptop is totally out of commission, though I could write from work, which is what I'm doing now. Anyways, down to business.

I love target, and here's why. First of all, target has pretty much everything i need. Most brands at target are exclusive to target, and most of these brands are very stylish, I'm mostly referring to the home/kitchen sections here, but some of their clothes are cute. Here is my latest reason to love target: I was shopping for a new game, because i just felt like it was time to give littlebigplanet a bit of a rest, so i was in Software Etc. I decided that assassin's creed would be a good addition to my modest ps3 collection, however even a used one was going for $40, so I looked around some more and decided not to buy anything. Then I was bored and decided to go to Target where they had the same game brand new for $30, naturally I was excited that it was cheaper (and new) so i snatched it right up and have been enjoying it greatly.

I have recently developed an interest in the somewhat new genre of the first-person RPG. Now these aren't totally new, but seem to have become quite popular recently. The first big one I can think of is Morrowind, which came out several years ago(and before that anarchy online was sort of a third-person shooter, but that game sucked), but more recently there are other Elder Scrolls games, Mass Effect, and Fallout 3 (to name some). The problem with these games is that I'm kinda torn. I HATE first person shooters, but I LOVE rpgs, so you see my dilemma in a game that combines the two. If anything I think i would pick up an elder scrolls game, since at least it is fantasy and doesn't mess with my rpg mojo, though fallout 3 has piqued my interest. Anyways, this recently popular genre has defiantly caught my attention, but i'm still undecided if I actually like it, though I suppose I'll just have to give it a try to know for sure.

I really wish I knew someone who played TCGs, I've been in the mood to play recently. More specifically Pokemon. I blame penny arcade. Which has also made me want to buy eye of judgment. I've read the entire archive over the past couple weeks.

I had something else to write about, but now I can't remember. oh well, peace out bitches!

I love companion cube!

So most of the people who are probably reading this won't understand the humor involved, so let me explain. First, portal is a game that has some REALLY twisted humor, but its still funny. secondly, spore is a game that is my newest addiction (which is sad since I can't even play the real game, just the DS version which is totally different)

Anyways, to the nerds out there, enjoy, everyone else, just trust that this is entertaining. It also proves that companion cube isn't really gone :)

peace out, bitches!

Free the Airwaves

Hey everyone. Today I'm writing to let you all know about this great website called Free the Airwaves. Basically this is a petition to allow tech companies to use television channels which are no longer being used as a resource for national (or even global) wireless internet. There is a video on the site that explains it. I really think everyone should sign this petition, I think this is a really great way to provide cheap (or even free!) wireless internet anywhere and everywhere. Do the world a favor, sign the petition!

Peace out, bitches!

How far we spread...

So I was facebooking today and I came to a very obvious realization. It's really crazy how far everyone spreads out. All these people I went to high school with are all over the country, some probably aren't even in the country! Obviously I knew about this, but I didn't really realize until i read the responses to a note by my friend Mike.

This was just a really crazy revelation I had, everyone is so far apart, but its easy to stay together thanks to facebook and the internet in general. the 'net really is a wonderful thing... :)


I need a new computer....

My laptop is epic fail! It is incredibly slow, the back light is broken on the monitor, the left click button for the touch pad doesn't even work, oh yea, and it's really slow.

I think I want a desktop this time, I want to be able to play games on it, but it doesn't have to be too fancy. I love video games, but I'm not much of a PC gamer. Basically if it can play Spore, I'll be happy for a while.

Computer dissatisfaction aside, I went to the park today. I saw a homeless person living in a tree, two rather chubby individuals making out, and plenty of hot boys! How I love the park LOL!

There will be a new Youtube video posted from the park either tonight or when I get up tomorrow, depending on how busy I am at work. I'm also slowly but surely working on a more exciting layout for this page, but I think I want to keep it generally simple :)

That's all for now, until next time, peace out bitches!

So here's the deal...

I'm starting a fresh new blog for a couple of reasons. First, I just don't like my Windows Live blog at all. Its boring, I never post, and its really just inconvenient. Secondly, I just like a fresh start once in a while, its nice to have a clean slate sometimes. This blog is more about expressing myself, where previous blogs were more personal. I really want this to take off, and I'm really hopping to find some readers out there.

Now that that's out of the way, I can move on to some actual writing I suppose, and I'm going to start with an update on my life as of recently. I've been working a whole bunch, since the only other person I work with is on vacation. I won't have a day off until Friday, which adds up to 9 days strait of working. At home, I've been on this random Final Fantasy kick, especially the crystal chronicles series. I've also been playing another SquareEnix game called 'The World Ends With You,' its very different from most games by SE, but its really fun.

Well I guess that's all I have to say for my first entry, so until next time, peace out, Bitches!